Christmas morning before the kids came down.

We typically get up around 8am on Christmas morning and the adults go downstairs to put breakfast in the oven and pour the coffee. Then we wake up any of the kids that are still asleep (usually Christopher!) and they get to walk down the stairs together.

Lexie and Ellie both got new bikes this year! Ellie rode hers all over the house while we opened presents.

We always start with the stockings-- the kids love seeing what surprises Santa left!
And then we open the presents from Santa-- this year he left Lego Dimensions for the Xbox and some expansion packs!

Before we open any of the presents under the tree we stop and enjoy breakfast at the table as a family. We've had eggs benedict casserole for the past few years and it's definitely a family favorite!

Every year the kids draw names and pick out a present for one sibling. This year, Lexie had Ellie and she chose to give her all of her dollhouse toys and Ellie was beyond excited!


Unlike the big kids, Ellie wanted each of her presents completely opened so that she could play with them- or play with the packaging from other people's presents.

Ellie loved her new stroller and pushed her dolls around all morning.

We open presents one at a time (in reverse age order) so that each person can appreciate what they received (and actually say thank you) and everyone can enjoy the excitement surrounding each gift. Because of this, it takes us awhile to open presents but it makes for a relaxing and appreciative morning.

Ellie was surprised and excited about her Lambie from "Doc McStuffins" even though she was with us when we bought it. I love that two-year-olds forget quickly!

Once we were done opening presents (around lunchtime), we cleaned up the wrapping paper mess and spent the rest of the day playing with new toys and then had our traditional lasagna for Christmas dinner. Even though it was just the seven of us this year, it was a fun day filled with lots of memories.
What a fun Christmas morning! I can't wait to come this year!!!!