Our elf, Sandy, made his return appearance the Saturday after Thanksgiving, complete with a North Pole breakfast!

Grandpa got to open one of his Christmas presents a bit early-- new art for his office!

Matching Christmas jammies for all of the cousins

Just the Albaeck kids :)

Grandma and Grandpa get the kids each a new ornament every year and they love the anticipation and surprise!

Hannah and Ellie are the same size but are 363 days apart! They're definitely opposite ends of the spectrum.
Silly Hannah, you're not supposed to eat tissue paper!
Playtime! And sidenote, I wish I had curls like Ellie!

Hannah and Ellie love playing together. When I told Ellie to go sit with Hannah for a picture, she thought that meant to sit on Hannah's lap!
The big kids!
The kids had fun tearing up the tissue paper and pretending it was snowing.

After everyone headed to the airport, we decorated our Christmas tree and this year, we let Ellie help!

Decorating the tree-- I love unwrapping all of our ornaments and reminiscing about fun vacations we've been on and big events in our lives.

The kids love picking out the perfect spot to showcase their favorite ornaments.

Ellie did a great job hanging up her ornaments. She took her time picking out the perfect spot and then loaded up the branch with as much as it would hold!

After dropping everyone else off at the airport, Grandpa came back to our house for the night before heading off on a business trip. He was able to go to Viva Chicken (for delicious Peruvian) and watch "Christmas with the Kranks" (since the daughter goes to Peru...) with us!
I can't believe how big the kids are getting! They are able to reach much higher on the Christmas tree ;-)