We finally got a couple of inches of snow and the kids were SO EXCITED to go out and play!

Ellie's first time playing in the snow-- she was totally unsure about the whole thing and stood in one place for a long time.

This year we were prepared and had sleds on hand (as well as the saucer we bought at White Sands) and the kids used them to sled down the hill from our house.

Sledding fun :)
Miss Ellie had a ball standing in her spot and watching the big kids. Every so often she would try jumping or moving her foot only to put it back where she started and watch.

Even Ellie got a chance to sled down the hill!
Nick and Ben raced down the hill- by the time they got to the bottom they were laughing so hard that they both fell off their sleds so there was no real winner.

Sledding girls.
Snowbaby :)
Ellie decided it was too cold to play outside and headed in to watch "Home" while the big kids kept sledding.
Watching a movie was short-lived though and she got bundled up again and went back into the cold. Nick is such a good big brother and pulled her all around the yard on his sled.
Snow fun.
Sweet Ben having fun in the snow.
After several hours of playing outside, the big kids finally got cold enough to clean up and head inside. Ellie was clearly tired of being outside (and tired in general) and went in for a nice, warm nap.
Your kids are so stinkin' cute!! I love Ellie's many expressions. And Ben's GQ posing!